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2021 Festival Goes Online
Welcome to a rather different format of the Chipping Norton Music Festival. We are delighted to present the syllabus for the 109th Festival.
Do please read this carefully so that you understand how our new on-line Festival will work, and do not hesitate to contact us if anything is not clear.
We hope that you will be inspired to participate in one of our many classes.
The Festival continues its non-competitive tradition to encourage everyone to participate. All are welcome and we hope you will experience the friendship and support that the Festival aims to provide. We have a fantastic team of professional adjudicators lined up and they are at the heart of our Festival, offering advice and encouragement so enthusiastically. If you would like to perform something unusual or are unsure about which class, then contact us.
Entries will open on Monday 11th January 2021. Please enter the festival by 8th February 2021 in the normal way via our online portal on the website. www.cnmf.org.uk
You can view or download the 2021 Syllabus from the website or click here
Please read how the changes will affect you, your pupils or your children this year.
If further changes need to be put in place, you will be advised when the entries have closed on 8th February or soon after.
We look forward to receiving your entries and enabling you to perform
Chipping Norton Music Festival