How do Friends help the Festival?
The Festival is a registered charity, run by an elected committee of volunteers who give their time freely but the cost of putting on the festival, hire of premises, hire of a high quality grand piano, fees for professional adjudicators, printing etc. are constantly growing. The costs are funded, in part, by the money from entry fees and entrance tickets. To supplement this, the success of the Festival is also dependent on sponsorship, grants and the generosity of the Friends. The support of the Friends, both practically and financially, is therefore crucial to ensure the continuance of this fine, long-standing Festival and the fulfilment of its aims.
What are the benefits of being a Friend of The Chipping Norton Music Festival?
- Advance information about events
- Complimentary Festival Programme
- Complimentary Festival Pass giving admittance to all Festival Classes
- Complimentary ticket for the Festival Concert
- An invitation to the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- The right to vote at the AGM
- The satisfaction of helping to ensure the continuance and development of the Festival.
Friends will be entitled to these benefits if they have made a donation at any time after 1st February in the previous year.
To become a Friend of the Festival, please contact us or select one of the donation buttons opposite to be taken to a payment page.
Our suggested minimum annual donations are £20 for a single friend or £30 for a couple, but all donations of any size are extremely welcome.
GIFT AID - If you are a UK taxpayer complete the Gift Aid form attached and increase your donation by 25% - Gift Aid Form